In the year 2002, the United Nations labelled this The International Year of Eco-tourism as well as The Year of Mountains. As a contribution to both, the Institute for Landscape Architecture and Landscape Management, BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria, together with partners organised the first International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV1). Given the great success of this first MMV conference, the idea of follow-up conferences was supported. Thereafter, MMV conferences have been arranged biannually in Finland (2004), Switzerland (2006), Italy (2008), the Netherlands (2010), Sweden (2012), Estonia (2014), Serbia (2016), France (2018), and Norway (2021, digital and delayed one year due to the Corona pandemic). The MMV11 in 2022 will take place in Latvia, and for 2024 it will be arranged in Germany. The organisation of the series is taken care of by an international steering committee.

Read more about the previous MMV conferences and the steering committee here >>